Real Estate Investing Financing - Overview

Loan Type


Fix & Flip, Buy & Hold, Rehab, Refinance, Construction, Transactional Funding, and Bridge Financing


Property Type


Single Family Residence and Multi-Family (non-owner occupied), limited commercial


Loan Size


$50,000 to $350,000

Loan-to-Value (LTV)


Up to 70% of After Repair Value (ARV)


Loan-to-Cost (LTC)


Up to 90% of purchase price (rehab financing up to 100% available subject to borrower qualification)


Loan Term


6 months with option to extend

Lein Position


First position


Borrower Qualifications


No income requirements. No credit check. No minimum FICO scores. Must fill out borrower application.


Borrower Type


Business / Entity



No prepayment penalty


Closing Speed*


24 - 48 hours. Minimal paperwork




Credit score not required; Appraisal not required; No “junk” fees.